পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার
Dakshin Dinajpur District Police


The District Crime Records Bureau performs following activities:

a) To supervise and coordinate the activities of the District.

b) Provide training facilities for the Police personnel in computer usage.

c) To collect and process crime statistics of the District.

d) To implement the Criminal tracking Network (CCTNS) which is a central scheme of MHAGOVERNMENT OF INDIA.

e) DCRB maintains Database on crime Statistics for various queries of different agencies.

f) DCRB is the District Level implementing agency of the CCTNS Project.

g) DCRB, prepares the statement of CII (Crime in India) & ADSI (Accidental Death & Suicide

India) for annual publications led by NCRB, New Delhi.

h) Responsible for the maintainance of the official Website of Dakshin DInajpur District Police.


Officer In-Charge -